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发布时间:2019-03-14作者:创新实验项目管理办公室 实验教学管理中心阅读量:[]



项目申报需提交创新实验项目申请书电子版与纸质版各一份,申请书电子版命名格式(组长年级+专业+姓名.doc,例如 2017级临床一系***.doc)发送电子邮件到邮箱:innovationlab@qq.com。(注意!不接收PDF文档)。





附件2:Application Form.DOC



ScientificResearch and Innovation Experiment Project of Chongqing Medical University,2019

The innovative experiment program forcollege students is an important measure to promote innovative talent ofcollege students during the 12th Five-Year Plan period of the Ministry ofEducation. The Scientific Research and Innovation Experiment Project (SRIEP) ofChongqing Medical University aims to strengthen the cultivation of collegestudents' innovative ability, scientific research ability and practicalability, and to inspire the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of students,furthermore to cultivate a rigorous scientific attitude, innovation awarenessand team spirit, and to improve students' comprehensive practical ability andinnovative experimental ability.

SRIEP 2019 has officially opened forapplication. Both Chinese and foreign undergraduates are qualified fordeclaration. Each student are only participate in one project (includingprojects that have not been completed). Please download the application formand the innovative experiment project management methods, and fill in the applicationform carefully. Each team requires at least 2-5 members and a mentor to ensurethe completion of the project.

Both electronic version and paper versionof the application form must be submitted before 18:00 on April 21, 2019. Theelectronic version of the application form (named as group leader’s Class+Major+Name.doc,e.g. 2017clinical medicine Jonn.doc) should be sent to email: innovationlab@qq.com. (PS! PDFdocuments is NOT allowed).

The paper version of the application (A4paper, double-sided printing, binding on the left side, with mentor’shandwritten signature and department seal) should be submitted to theInnovation Experimental Project Management Office (Jinyun Campus, GouxiangBuilding , A4-B-1101).

Students who are interested in applyingcan join the 2019 Innovation Experiment Application QQ Group (group number:432153636) or join the “CQMUCX” WeChat public account to keep up to date of theapplication progress.

The attachment for the management methodand application form can be downloaded below.

Experimentalteaching management center

InnovationExperimental Project Management Office